This allows real estate investors to relinquish or sell one property and replace it with another like-kind property and defer payment of capital gains tax that would normally be due… We understand that the timelines and regulations of these transactions can be stressful, however our team is here to work tirelessly to meet your deadlines and ensure a smooth closing within your window of opportunity.

- Relinquished and replacement property must be like-kind
- Real estate must be used for business or investment purposes
- Replacement property must be the same or greater value than the property relinquished
- Boot – either in cash or a cash-like benefit – can not be received by the investor
- Name on the title on the replacement property must be the same as on the relinquished property
- Replacement property must be identified within 45 days of the closing of the sale of the relinquished property
- Replacement property must be purchased within 180 days of the closing of the sale of the relinquished property

A classical 1031 exchange involves a property swap between two individuals. However, this is rare, considering that finding someone with the type of property you want who is willing to exchange for your property is not always easy, quick or feasible.

1. Involve a Qualified Intermediary
2. Identify a Property
The seller has an identification window of 45 calendar days to identify a property to complete the exchange.
Once this window closes, the 1031x is considered failed and funds from the property sale are considered taxable. Due to this slim window, investment property owners are strongly encouraged to research and coordinate an exchange before selling their property and initiating the 45-day countdown.
3. Purchase Replacement Property
Fortunatly, investors have multiple identification strategies available,
which are summarized in three rules:
3 Property Rule:
This allows investors to identify a max of 3 potential like-kind replacement properties regardless of their fair market value.
After identification, the investor could then acquire one or more of the identified like-kind replacement properties as part of the 1031x.
This method is the most popular 1031 exchange strategy for investors, as it allows them to have backups if the purchase of their preferred property falls through.
200% Rule:
This rule states investors can identify an unlimited number of like-kind replacement properties, provided the total value of all properties at the end of the period doesn’t exceed 200% of the relinquished property’s total net sales value.
95% Exception:
This Exception states investors can identify an unlimited number of potential replacement properties with an unlimited fair market value, provided the investor acquires and closes on 95% of the identified market value.